What is a better way to get more people interested in your website than sharing your thoughts and ideas on their search queries?
Well, one of many benefits of blogging is that they keep your audience engaged and interested so that they keep coming back. Therefore, this marketing tool (safe to say) has been there for a long time. So much so, that blogs have become one of those unspoken parts of business– you must have one.
But as micro contents are attracting a major part of user attention in today’s age – many consider blogging as an outdated method of marketing. We were often asked if having a blog section is in fact useful for a business.
Well, the stats do not lie. According to a study, 44% of buyers say they go through at least three to five contents before contacting a vendor.
So, let us examine the condition of blogging in today’s market to learn what is their usage – most importantly does it still have a purpose in 2023? Continue to read to find out more!
Blogs for Business: How Does it Work?
Originally, blogs offered common people a platform to express their opinions, perspectives and thoughts with the rest of the world. We are talking about the early days of the Internet when only a handful of people had access to it. In the initial days of the history of blogging ‘Mommy blogs’ gained momentum as mothers shared parenting tips on their personal blogs. Blogging was a way to connect with your peers via the internet.
Cut to today when social media platforms have reduced the importance of blogging for individuals. However, blogs still survive in today’s society. Unsurprisingly, blogs today serve the same purpose for which it was intended – to connect with people and share ideas.
But the baton of blogging is taken over by businesses and corporations to connect with their audience. Thus the intent of blogging and the position of the blogger has undergone a decisive transition.
It is no longer written from an individual’s perspective – rather blogs assume the persona of the brand and become its mouthpiece in the global market.
11 Top Benefits of Blogging for Businesses
When you include blogging as part of your digital marketing strategy, you get the following benefits out of it:
1. Expand Your Website’s Reach and Audience
There are a number ways readers can find your website. Some of the common ones being:
- Entering your company’s name on the search engine
- Clicking a paid ad
- Through newsletters and other tools of email marketing
However, all of these will only fetch you a limited number, most of which includes old or existing visitors.
Therefore, you need blogging as a strategy to boost your website’s visibility to attract new readers with varied search queries and demographics. Each blog post creates an additional indexed page, enhancing your chances of appearing in search engine results.
This not only improves your organic search traffic but also signals to search engines that your site is active, prompting regular check-ins for fresh content discovery.
2. Helps Build Links
Blogs are one of the most integral aspects to optimise your pages for search engines. They help you link your pages and establish a linking strategy. While outbound links are useful to justify the authenticity of your information, internal links are a great tool to navigate your users.
When done right, your linking strategy allows you to encourage readers to visit your service pages. They also help you generate organic leads that may boost your ROI.
3. Fosters Community Spirit
Undoubtedly, your blogs are meant for a particular target group or audience. When it is able to reach its full potential – it is most likely to unite a collective spirit of community around your readers.
This is an effective way to retain your existing readers and also attract new audiences to your website. While you are at it, use your social media handles to promote your blogs across different platforms and drive more traffic.
4. Develops Your Brand
Branding is an essential tool that ensures survival in a competitive market. With your unique ideals, vision and mission, you can create a unique identity for your business with the blogs that you write.
Check out our blog on brand marketing for business to learn everything about branding in the digital age.
5. Offers Long Term Benefits
We are not at all exaggerating when we say that blogs are like wine – the older it gets the better results it produces. As per market research, blogs that are published a few months before tend to perform better than blogs published a day or two in advance.
Just make sure to plan your content and periodically update your images and data. With this, your blogs will be good to generate leads for a couple more months.
6. Organic Marketing
Blogs are known for being the best organic method of generating leads. By targeting more and more relevant keywords in your domain of business – you ensure increased visibility on the search engine results page. With these benefits of blogging, you can run a full-fledged marketing campaign for your business for virtually free!
And more visibility and traffic directly correlate to an increased number of enquiries and better lead generation.
7. Establish Thought Leadership
One of the major advantages of maintaining a blog lies in its ability to influence your readers. By posting regularly, you can establish yourself as an expert in the field and thus become a leading operator in the market.
Needless to say, it leaves a positive impact on your website and accelerates your lead-generation process.
8. Inspire your Audience
Your blogs have the ability to engage and inform thousands of people. Leaving a positive impact on the readers is arguably the best way to ensure that you get recurrent readers.
Share your journey as a story and let the world know about how you deal with the roadblocks that come your way.
9. Earn money with ads, backlinks and affiliate marketing
Among the several benefits of blogging, one is that a well-performing blog can be a decent source of revenue for a small business. With high-quality content you not only establish a niche audience for your but also earn revenue with Google’s ad sense, posting affiliate marketing links and exchange links with other businesses in your domain.
10. Test your marketing strategy
Even for a fully established business, blogs can prove a blessing and cut down on your expenses. With the proper planning and your blog audience can serve as a prototype for your greater market. You can use it to check the engagement rates of a potential new project by hosting test runs of marketing campaigns and record the reaction of your audience to gauge the usefulness of your strategy.
11. Launch marketing campaign for free
We all know a full-fledged online marketing campaign can be expensive. Since setting up a blog is essentially free, with the right keywords and frequent posting – you can launch a search engine marketing campaign. Just make sure to stick to the above mentioned techniques to get results.
How to Maximise the Benefits of Blogging for Your Business
While industry experts still swear by blogging as an asset for digital marketers – it is important to do it right to get the real benefits of blogging. To reap the full advantages in real-time – incorporate the following practices to make the best out of it.
1. Create a Content Calendar
Planning is crucial to execute any task with precision. When it comes to blogging, we follow something called a content calendar to stay on top of the schedule. A content calendar
Planning your content schedule ahead of time helps with collaborative operations and prevents conflicts in the execution process.
Tip – you could use collaborative software like Evernote, Notion or Google Keep which allows synced communication across various departments.
2. Scheduled Posting
While you can always post as per your needs and requirements, to get the best results and benefits out of your corporate blogs, it is ideal to stick to a solid schedule. Consistency is a virtue which seems to be rewarded by search engines as well!
So if you are posting at 6 pm on a Wednesday – make sure to plan or schedule your post at the same time next week. This practice also establishes a regular pattern which is essential for branding your business.
Tip – Enable the scheduled posting option on your CMS to ensure consistent and regularised posting. Scheduling ahead of time also frees your time for other activities.
3. Keyword Targeting
Targeting the right set of keywords for your niche of operation is mandatory to unleash the full potential of blogging. Sure, you can post on things you find intriguing and relevant – but conducting a thorough analysis of your consumer persona is required to determine its utility.
Tip – Evaluate and target the voluminous keywords in your domain to get considerable traffic.
4. Social Reporting
As we have discussed before – the primary function of blogging is to establish and sustain communication with your audience. In order to sustain effective communication, discuss your social roles and responsibilities in your blogs.
Let the world know about your commitment to sustainable development and reap the benefits of blogging.
Tip – Choose and promote eco friendly resources via your social media handles and blog posts.
5. Seek your Audience’s Input
In an ideal world blogging is supposed to promote two-way communication between brands and the consumers. Since that is a bit of a far cry, it is important to create ample opportunities for the users to interact with your blogs.
Enable comments and encourage readers to leave behind feedback and thoughts. Do not forget to reply as well – it creates a positive impact and helps your content get better visibility.
Tip – Leave open-ended questions and arguments. It encourages the readers to interact with your posts.
6. Keep in Mind the Visual Appeal
Managing the User Experience of your website is crucial to engage your audience and maintain the flow of readers to the blog section.
So, make sure to include different forms of media like images and infographics to ensure clear readability.
Tip – Write brief paragraphs and sentences and add tables and bullet pointers to increase the visual appeal of your blog.
7. Focus on Quality
And we cannot stress this enough! With the Panda algorithm, Google filters out poor-quality content to make sure readers get the best options in the search results. As a result, subpar blogs tend to get removed from the SERP and end up creating a bad impact on your website as a whole.
Tip – Stick to your domain of expertise and back your points with solid data to emphasise your arguments.
Lesser Known Advantages of Blogging
The following are some of the easily overlooked advantages associated with blogging:
1. Earn Money with Ads, Backlinks and Affiliate Marketing
Among the several benefits of blogging, one is that a well-performing blog can be a decent source of revenue for a small business. With high-quality content you not only establish a niche audience for your but also earn revenue with Google’s ad sense, posting affiliate marketing links and exchange links with other businesses in your domain.
2. Test Your Marketing Strategy
Even for a fully established business, blogs can prove a blessing and cut down on your expenses. With the proper planning and your blog audience can serve as a prototype for your greater market. You can use it to check the engagement rates of a potential new project by hosting test runs of marketing campaigns and record the reaction of your audience to gauge the usefulness of your strategy.
3. Launch Marketing Campaign for Free
We all know a full-fledged online marketing campaign can be expensive. Since setting up a blog is essentially free, with the right keywords and frequent posting – you can launch a search engine marketing campaign. Just make sure to stick to the above mentioned techniques to get results.
With so many benefits of blogging – we can confidently say that the practice is still advantageous in today’s market. However, it is always important to keep an eye on the metrics and thoroughly plan out your marketing strategy to get the best results. Or you could let go of the worries by availing our blog writing services and get high-impact unique blogs that take your marketing journey to the next level.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the main purpose of a blog?
The purpose of a blog is to publish relevant information that assists and educates your potential audience.
2. What are the features of a blog?
A blog must be informative as well as engaging and should contribute some value to the audience.
3. Why is blogging better than social media?
Social media posts tend to have a temporary impact on the audience. Blogging, on the other hand, continues to educate and engage your audience. A well-written blog has the capacity to dominate the search engine rankings year after year.
4. What is a good blog structure?
A good blog should follow an inverted pyramid structure – that means the most important information should be presented at the beginning of the blog.The rest of the information can come under it and offer supplemental information in due course.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a blog?
While there are many benefits of blogging like its cost-effectiveness and long-term impacts – there are a few drawbacks as well. The disadvantages of blogging are the following – it is time-consuming, requires discipline and it is benefited by thorough research.
6. What are the types of corporate blogs?
Corporate blogs are divided into four categories – news, SEO, thought leader and media. In the first case, the blog is exclusively used for a company’s internal communication with different departments.
On the other hand, the blog section is used to achieve three results – first one is based on pure visibility; being a thought leader, a company targets to publish authoritative information. In the last case, the sites tend to work as a hybrid organisation between a corporate company and media.
7. Why do people prefer blogs?
All established blogs have a unique way to engage readers. Be it personal or corporate blogs, individual tonalities and a conversational approach make blogs the go-to option for knowledge and information in the digital age.

Ritish Dutta is a seasoned Content Developer with over 7 years of experience in the industry. Currently, at Das Writing Services, he writes SEO-optimized content that caters to our diverse clientele. Ritish utilizes his critical insights and experience to talk about digital marketing, SEO content writing, content strategy, and AI.

Ritish Dutta is a seasoned Content Developer with over 7 years of experience in the industry. Currently, at Das Writing Services, he writes SEO-optimized content that caters to our diverse clientele. Ritish utilizes his critical insights and experience to talk about digital marketing, SEO content writing, content strategy, and AI.
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