Did you know that according to a report by Adweek, 92% of online consumers use emojis daily? 

Evolution of emoji

Psychologically speaking, Emojis are processed by the brain as a form of non-verbal information, which means a person interprets them as emotional communications. This gives emojis the power to enhance the message of whatever a company or brand is trying to convey.

You wouldn’t believe it but there is a day that is dedicated to emojis, known as world emoji day and it is celebrated on the 17th of July. The #WorldEmojiDay hashtag generates over 4 billion Twitter impressions each year. So you can imagine the importance and impact it has on people. 

How Can You Use Emojis to Enhance Your Content Marketing Game?

Using emoji marketing can be an effective way to enhance brand awareness and engage with your audience. Here are some steps to incorporate emoji marketing into your strategy:

1. Understand your target audience

Before using emojis in your marketing efforts, it’s important to understand your target audience and their preferences. Consider their age, demographics, and cultural background to ensure your emoji usage aligns with their communication style.

If your company’s target audience is teenagers then the emoji’s you use for them will be different than that for aged customers. The best examples you can take over here are of leading food delivering apps like Swiggy and Zomato, they send push notifications according to the food you last viewed or your previous preferences.

Zomato and Swiggy push notification

2. Choose relevant emojis

Emojis can convey emotions, ideas, and actions. Select emojis that are relevant to your brand and the message you want to convey. Use emojis that reflect your brand’s personality and resonate with your audience.

This is a very important factor if you want your message to resonate with your customers. Do not use random emoji for your brand, for example your company sells makeup but if you are using emojis that represent smiley faces or flowers it will not make any sense.


Note how Mcdonald’s used the perfect emoji to describe its product.

3. Enhance social media posts

Emojis can make your social media posts more engaging and visually appealing. Incorporate relevant emojis in your captions, comments, and hashtags. However, avoid overusing emojis, as they can appear unprofessional or spammy.

Social media is where you can find 90% of your target audience these days. Using this platform can help you gain a lot of customers and leads.

Screenshot from Instagram

4. Tell stories with emojis

Emojis can be used to tell stories or convey messages in a concise and creative way. Use emojis strategically to enhance your storytelling. For example, you can create emoji sequences or use emojis as bullet points to summarise key points.

This trend took the internet by storm a few years back and is still used by major brands. 

For example, Zee used emojis to create a quiz for the audience and it got a lot of comments and shares.

Zee world emoji day post

5. Use emojis in email marketing

To add a personal touch to your email campaigns, consider using emojis in subject lines, preheaders, or within the body of the email. However, be cautious and test how different email clients and devices display emojis to ensure they appear correctly for all recipients.

A lot of companies use emojis for their email marketing strategies to stand out from others. They add different emojis for different campaigns and it seems to resonate well with their target audience.

Email marketing using emoji
Email marketing using emoji

6. Create emoji-based contests or campaigns

Engage your audience by organising contests or campaigns centred around emojis. Ask them to interpret a message using emojis or share their favourite emoji-related stories. This can generate user-generated content and foster a sense of community around your brand.

Moreover, there are emojis available for almost anything so it becomes easier for people to comment what they are thinking about without tiring themselves up.

Statistics on how many emoji used in Facebook

7. Emojis in customer support

Emojis can be effective in customer support interactions, particularly in chat-based platforms. They can help convey emotions, simplify responses, and add a friendly touch to the conversation. However, ensure that the use of emojis remains professional and appropriate for the situation.

Regularly monitor and analyse the engagement levels of your emoji-based marketing efforts. Track metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates to gauge the effectiveness of your strategy. Use these insights to refine your approach and optimise future campaigns.

Remember, while emojis can be fun and engaging, it’s essential to maintain a balance and ensure they align with your brand’s image and values. Use them strategically to enhance communication and create a positive brand experience for your audience.

Why Emoji Marketing is Important for Your Brand

Benefits of Emoji marketing

Emoji marketing has gained significant importance in recent years due to its ability to enhance communication, convey emotions, and engage with audiences on a more personal level. Here are some key reasons why emoji marketing is valuable: 

1. Visual Communication

Emojis provide a visual representation of emotions, ideas, and concepts. They can help convey tone and context, which is particularly important in digital communication where non-verbal cues may be lacking. Emojis can make your messages more engaging, relatable, and memorable.

2. Enhances Social Media Engagement

Emojis are widely used in digital content and social media platforms, and incorporating them into your marketing campaigns can increase engagement and interaction with your audience. Research has shown that posts and ads with emojis tend to receive higher click-through rates, likes, shares, and comments.

3. Crosses Language Barriers

Emojis have a universal appeal and can transcend language barriers. Since they are understood by people worldwide, they provide a way to connect with a global audience without the need for translation. This makes emojis an effective tool for international marketing campaigns.

4. Humanises Brands

Emojis add a touch of personality and humanity to your brand’s communication. By using emojis strategically, you can create a more friendly, approachable, and relatable brand image. This can help you establish an emotional connection with your audience and foster brand loyalty.

5. Increases Message Recall

The visual nature of emojis makes them more memorable than plain text. When used appropriately, emojis can help reinforce your message and make it more memorable for your audience. This can be particularly useful in advertising and marketing campaigns where you want to leave a lasting impression.

6. Appeals to Millennials and Gen Z

Younger generations, such as millennials and Gen Z, have grown up with emojis as a standard part of their digital communication. Integrating emojis into your content marketing can help you connect with these audiences and speak their language. It shows that you understand their preferences and can make your brand more relevant to them.

7. Adds Creativity and Fun

Emojis provide an opportunity to inject creativity and fun into your marketing campaigns. They allow you to play with different combinations, use them in unique ways, and create a distinct brand identity. This can make your brand stand out and leave a positive impression on your audience. Now that you know how emojis can help you in taking your content game to a different level, do not wait any longer to implement it. Additionally, if you are confused about where to start and how to create content from scratch that your customers will like, contact us today. We will help you out every step of the way and assist in making your company a digital brand.