Did you know that 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn? With over 900 million users globally, LinkedIn is a powerhouse for professional networking, thought leadership, and business growth. The content you share on LinkedIn can dramatically impact your brand, visibility, and opportunities.

Whether you are looking to build connections, develop relationships, or attract job offers, posting the right content can be a game-changer.

Let us dive into 20 LinkedIn post ideas that will elevate your profile in 2024, complete with real-life examples.

How to Create Effective LinkedIn Posts?

Having a list of LinkedIn content ideas is just the first step, the key is to ensure that your posts are crafted for maximum impact. Here is how to create effective LinkedIn posts:

1. Write for an Audience

The first rule of creating engaging LinkedIn content is to always write with your audience in mind. What challenges do they face? What value can you offer them?

Every post should address their needs, whether that is industry insights, career advice, or a solution to a problem. Tailor your tone and language to resonate with your specific audience—whether they are peers, potential employers, or industry leaders.

2. Diversify Your Content

Keep your audience engaged by diversifying your content. Do not rely solely on text-based posts; mix things up with videos, polls, infographics, and articles.

Offering variety keeps your profile dynamic and appealing to different types of followers. By regularly changing the format of your content, you maintain interest and encourage more frequent interaction.

The structure of your post is critical to its success. Start with a strong hook that captures attention, follow with insightful or valuable content, and end with a clear call to action (CTA). Break up long posts with bullet points or numbered lists to make them easier to digest. And, whenever possible, include images or other media to keep your audience’s attention.

3. Give Clear Instructions to Drive Engagement

Always include a clear CTA in your posts. Whether you’re asking people to comment, share, click a link, or simply engage with your content, giving clear directions will increase the likelihood of interaction. CTAs are essential for driving conversations and creating opportunities for engagement.

Here are some examples of CTAs:

– “What’s your take on this topic? Comment below!”

– “Share this post if you agree.”

– “Click the link to learn more!”

4. Declutter Your LinkedIn Descriptions

Avoid overwhelming your audience with long, dense paragraphs. Make your posts visually appealing by keeping them concise, using bullet points or numbered lists, and incorporating white space where appropriate. Shorter posts are often more digestible and more likely to be read in their entirety.

5. Enhance Your Posts with Visual Elements

Adding visual elements such as images, infographics, or videos can significantly boost your post’s engagement. LinkedIn posts with visuals tend to get more views, clicks, and shares compared to text-only posts.

Whenever possible, pair your insights with a relevant image or graphic to make the post stand out in users’ feeds.

6. Harness Power of Videos

Video content has become increasingly popular on LinkedIn. Whether it is a quick video sharing your thoughts on a trending topic or a longer, more detailed explanation of a concept, videos are engaging and often feel more personal.

They also allow you to convey more information in a shorter amount of time, making them ideal for sharing tips, behind-the-scenes looks, or professional updates.

20 Inspiring LinkedIn Post Ideas

Here are 20 LinkedIn post Ideas that will help you create engaging content and boost your LinkedIn presence in 2024:

1. Post a Growth Hack

Growth hacks are unique content designed to accelerate growth, and sharing one on LinkedIn can quickly grab attention. Whether it is a shortcut for boosting productivity or a marketing trick that worked wonders, these posts position you as someone who finds innovative solutions.

  • Example: “The ONE Content Metric That Actually Matters…”
LinkedIn Post Ideas of Subhodip Das
  • Why This Works: Growth hacks offer immediate, actionable value, and LinkedIn users are often looking for efficiency tips.

2. Write About a Personal Experience

Personal experiences help to humanise your professional profile. Sharing a career-defining moment, a major challenge, or even a failure-turned-success story allows others to connect with you on a deeper level. Authenticity builds trust and shows others that behind your professional title, there is a relatable human being.

  • Example: “I was getting rejected by all companies as soon as the placement season started!!! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫!…”
Inspiring LinkedIn Post about facing job rejection
  • Why This Works: Personal experiences provide valuable life lessons and often resonate emotionally, leading to higher engagement.

3. Share a Brand Story

Your brand, whether personal or corporate, has a story that is waiting to be told. Share how your company started, the challenges you have overcome, and the key milestones that have shaped your journey. This LinkedIn post ideas type can also be used to highlight a specific campaign or product launch.

  • Example: “My Biggest ‘Aha!’ Moment as A #Startup Founder Wasn’t What I Expected (Spoiler: there’s no “I” in it!) …”
Subhodip Das Brand Success Story
  • Why This Works: Brand stories are inspiring and relatable, encouraging your audience to feel connected to your journey.

4. Share a Tip or Idea

Sharing quick tips or practical advice is one of the easiest ways to deliver value to your LinkedIn network. Whether it is a time-saving tool, a productivity tip, or advice for managing a team, these blog posts show your expertise and willingness to help others succeed.

  • Example: “Pro-tip for remote workers: Create a strict routine to separate work from personal life. This has helped me stay focused and balanced.”
Subhodip Das Tip for Freelancers
  • Why This Works: Tips are actionable, and people love content that they can implement immediately to improve their day-to-day lives.

5. Share Info About a Job Opening

If you know about job openings in your company or industry, sharing them not only helps others but also builds your reputation as a connector. It is a simple but powerful way to show that you’re invested in your community’s success.

  • Example: “Join Our Team! Senior Financial Content Writer Opportunity in Kolkata”
LinkedIn Post of Bikas Das Recruitment
  • Why This Works: Job posts are practical and valuable, especially for connections seeking new opportunities.

6. Share Interesting Stats

Statistics grab attention and can be a great conversation starter. Share relevant industry data, along with your thoughts or analysis of the numbers. This shows that you are informed and keeps your audience engaged with valuable insights.

  • Example: “98% of your website visitors don’t inquire. We tell you who they are, in real-time.”
LinkedIn Marketing Statistics
  • Why This Works: Data-driven posts are highly shareable and position you as someone who’s informed and up-to-date with industry trends.

7. Highlight Something from a Current Event

Current events often dominate online discussions. Tying your post to a trending news story, conference, or industry event helps your content stay relevant and timely. It is also an excellent opportunity to share your expert opinion.

  • Example: “Today, we are not just celebrating 78th Independence Day, but also the incredible journey our nation has taken.”
Das Writing Services Independence Day
  • Why This Works: Timely content shows that you are aware of what is happening in the world and can contribute to meaningful conversations about current trends.

8. Writing About a Habit

Habits play a crucial role in both personal and professional success. Sharing a habit that has been instrumental in your career growth can inspire your network to adopt similar practices. It is a great way to offer practical advice while showcasing your discipline and dedication.

  • Example: “Looking at the unique features of LinkedIn, I believe there are five habits that can be more effective than posting.”
LinkedIn Post Ideas around Habits
  • Why This Works: Habit-based posts offer tangible, actionable advice that others can replicate.

9. Create a Post Using a Popular Hashtag

Using trending hashtags allows your content to reach a broader audience and connect you to a larger conversation. Make sure the hashtags you use are relevant to your post and the industry you are targeting.

  • Example: “#independenceday #happyindeoendeceday #independence2024”
DWS Independence Day Post
  • Why This Works: Hashtags help boost the visibility of your post, ensuring it reaches more people beyond your immediate network.

10. Bust a Myth

Industry myths or misconceptions are prevalent, and busting one can spark insightful conversations. It also helps establish you as an authority who has an in-depth understanding of the field.

DIgital marketing mythbusters on LinkedIn
  • Why This Works: Myth-busting posts challenge conventional wisdom and encourage engagement, often leading to debates and discussions.

11. Share Your Professional Journey

Sharing your professional journey not only helps others understand your career progression but also offers motivation and practical lessons. Whether you’re discussing milestones, pivots, or challenges you’ve faced, this type of post builds authenticity.

  • Example: “12 Years Into Building Das Writing Services. What Keeps Me Going Still?”
Subhodip Das Professional Journey on LinkedIn
  • Why This Works: Sharing your journey makes you relatable and can inspire others who are at earlier stages of their careers.

12. Post Something as Per the Occasion

Whether it’s a holiday, awareness day, or significant event in your industry, posting content that aligns with the occasion shows that you’re engaged with current events and trends. You can tie the occasion into your professional experiences or company culture.

  • Example: “Rakhi is always a joyous occasion at DWS, symbolising the bond that keeps us connected.…”
DWS Rakhi Celebration LinkedIn Post
  • Why this works: Timely content linked to special occasions is often highly relatable and shareable.

13. Create a POLL

Polls are interactive and encourage engagement from your network. They provide a way for your audience to give their input, creating a sense of community and driving conversation.

  • Example: “Unlock the secrets of content success! From analytics to audience feedback, which metric do you prioritise to gauge effectiveness? a) Engagement b) Website traffic c) Conversion rates d) Lead generation”
Das Writing Services LinkedIn Poll
  • Why this works: Polls boost engagement by directly asking for input, and creating conversations in the comments.

14. Highlight a Client Success Story

Client success stories demonstrate your expertise in solving real problems. By showcasing the transformation, a client has gone through with your help, you highlight your value and build credibility.

  • Example: “While fintech has taken over the Indian finance industry for a long time, most of it was limited to mutual funds, lending and transaction facilities.…”
Subhodip Das LinkedIn Post about Stable Money Success Story
  • Why This Works: Success stories serve as social proof, showing that you can deliver measurable results.

15. Announce a Milestone

Celebrating milestones, whether personal or professional, is a great way to share your progress and get people excited about your achievements. These posts foster a sense of celebration and invite others to engage with positive news.

  • Example: “I hope for nothing but to grow with this team and keep celebrating these milestones together.”
LinkedIn Post Ideas Celebration of DWS 5th Anniversary
  • Why This Works: Milestones are celebratory and invite well-wishes from your network, fostering a sense of community.

16. Share a Recent “Win”

Celebrating big and small wins is a great way to showcase your progress and inspire others. Whether it is landing a new client, completing a project, or hitting a personal goal, sharing these moments highlights your accomplishments and motivates others to strive for their own successes.

  • Example: “Congratulations Manu Bhaker for making history! You became the first Indian woman to win two medals at a single Olympic game post-independence.”
LinkedIn Post Ideas winsome
  • Why This Works: Wins generate positive engagement and reinforce your expertise, while inspiring others to celebrate their own successes.

17. Share Upcoming Events

If you are attending or hosting an event, let your network know. Whether it is a webinar, conference, or networking meet-up, this type of post keeps your audience in the loop and encourages them to engage with you in real life or online. You can also share key takeaways from the event afterwards to keep the conversation going.

  • Example: “I attended the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for the first time, and it was incredible.”
LinkedIn Declaration of Upcoming Events
  • Why This Works: Event-related posts showcase your active involvement in your industry and invite engagement from those attending or interested in the same topics for LinkedIn posts.

18. Share a Business Mantra

Business mantras or mottos are a great way to highlight your company’s values or personal philosophy. Sharing one on LinkedIn offers insight into what motivates you and the principles you stand by, while also inspiring others.


When did you last slow down, take a breath and remember what’s important, beyond all the funnels, strategies and financial projections?”

LinkedIn Post Business Mantra
  • Why This Works: Mantras resonate with others who share similar values, strengthening your brand identity and building a connection with your audience.

19. Share a Short Story

Stories are one of the most powerful ways to engage people, as they are relatable and emotional. Whether it is a lesson you learned the hard way or a moment that transformed your career, storytelling draws people in and holds their attention longer than typical posts.

  • Example: “The Origins of God on Earth “

Short story #3

I’m open to debate 🤝 on the content,

In story, religion, god, hierarchies.”

LinkedIn Story Sharing
  • Why This Works: Short stories make your content more engaging, humanise your profile, and offer valuable life or career lessons.

20. Post an Infographic

Visual content like infographics tends to perform exceptionally well on LinkedIn. They are easy to consume, visually appealing, and can convey a lot of information quickly. Sharing an infographic about industry data, trends, or tips can help your audience better understand complex topics.

LinkedIn Post Ideas Content Marketing infographic
  • Why This Works: Infographics are highly shareable and tend to drive more engagement due to their visual nature, making your content more memorable.

Importance of Posting on LinkedIn

Following are some of the most important benefits of posting on LinkedIn:

1. Building Your Network

LinkedIn is a digital networking goldmine, offering access to professionals at every career stage, from entry-level workers to C-suite executives. Regularly posting valuable content naturally attracts more attention from others in your field, expanding your professional network.

Each idea for LinkedIn posts gives potential connections a reason to follow and engage with you, creating a network that is not just wide but relevant to your industry and goals.

2. Increase Your Visibility

Posting content on LinkedIn is akin to running a successful advertisement. When potential viewers encounter your regular and engaging posts, they are more likely to seek out your profile and explore further.

If you aim to attract individuals interested in professional and relevant content, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for sharing your posts.

3. Creating Meaningful Relationships

LinkedIn is not just about gaining new contacts; It is about deepening those connections into meaningful professional relationships. Regularly sharing your insights, experiences, and advice allows others to engage with you on a deeper level.

This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, leading to partnerships, mentorships, collaborations, or even new clients or job opportunities.

4. Creating Job Opportunities

Many hiring managers and recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary platform for finding candidates. By consistently posting about your field, skills, and achievements, you keep yourself on the radar of potential employers. You will be showcasing your expertise without actively job-hunting, allowing opportunities to come to you organically.

5. Upskilling and Learning from Others

LinkedIn is more than just a platform for sharing content, it is also a hub for continuous learning. Regularly engaging with posts by thought leaders, industry experts, and peers allows you to stay updated on trends and acquire new skills.

Meanwhile, sharing your upskilling journey or lessons learned can demonstrate your commitment to growth and inspire others.

6. Becoming Known in Your Industry

Consistently posting insightful, thoughtful content positions you as a go-to resource within your industry. Whether you are sharing industry trends, and innovative solutions, or simply engaging in meaningful discussions, over time, you will start to become recognised as a thought leader.

This boosts your brand and can open doors for speaking engagements, media features, and more.


LinkedIn offers a wealth of opportunities to elevate your profile, build meaningful relationships, and grow your career or business. By regularly sharing engaging, valuable, and authentic content, you position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, attract opportunities, and expand your professional network.

The 20 LinkedIn post ideas shared here can serve as inspiration for your content strategy in 2024, start posting with confidence and watch your profile thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I post on LinkedIn? 

For optimal engagement, aim to post 2-3 times per week. Consistency is key, but it’s also important not to overwhelm your network with too much content.

2. What type of content performs best on LinkedIn? 

Posts that provide value, such as tips, industry insights, and personal experiences, tend to perform well. Visual content, such as videos and infographics, also boosts engagement.

3. Should I use hashtags on LinkedIn? 

Yes, using relevant hashtags can expand your post’s reach beyond your immediate network. Be sure to use popular and industry-specific hashtags to increase visibility.

4. How can I increase engagement on my LinkedIn posts?

To boost engagement, create interactive content such as polls, ask thought-provoking questions, or encourage discussions in the comments. Using strong CTAs, posting at optimal times, and responding to comments can also drive more interaction.

5. How can I use LinkedIn posts to generate leads for my business?

To generate leads, post content that addresses your audience’s pain points and offers solutions, such as case studies or success stories. Include clear CTAs in your posts, like signing up for a newsletter, downloading an eBook, or booking a consultation, to encourage lead generation.

6. What are some examples of creative content ideas for LinkedIn for businesses?

Creative LinkedIn post ideas for business include sharing behind-the-scenes content, employee spotlights, user-generated content, and company milestones. Educational content, such as how-to guides, industry insights, and motivational quotes, also resonate well with audiences.